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Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

Secondary RSHE Training Powerpoints and Resources

Logging On

Please log onto a private Google Mail before you click on the links below. If you do not have a Google Mail account then it is very easy and straightforward to set one up. 

Once you have clicked on and registered for all the classrooms you will then be able to toggle easily in between them – you only need to register for each once.

We do suggest that you take a look around the Introduction Classroom, as there are a lot of useful links and resources in here too.

Training and Resources

In each Google classroom you will find a main presentation in the first section, which you must watch to find out the full information for that module Please watch this in PRESENT mode to hear the audio. You can download the presentations and any other resources in the classrooms as you wish.

Throughout the presentation you will find links to help and resources. These links and materials, as well as additional lesson resources our teachers have created, can also be found lower down in the classroom in the resources section. Although it will take approximately 30 mins to an hour to go through each presentation, you can spend as little or as much time in each classroom looking through the resources to see what might be useful to help in your teaching.  

Classroom Codes

  1. RSHE Introduction:
  2. Mental Health & Well-being Module:
  3. Changing Adolescent Bodies Module:
  4. Drugs, Tobacco and Alcohol
  5. Basic First Aid
  6. Internet Safety and Harms
  7. Online Relationships, Online and Media
  8. Healthy Eating
  9. Physical Health and Fitness
  10. Respectful Relationships
  11. Families
  12. Intimate Relationships
  13. Health and Prevention
  14. Being Safe