nasen: Teacher Handbook: SEND – New Edition Published!

We’re delighted to announce that Whole School SEND has published its highly anticipated second edition of the Teacher Handbook: SEND – a DfE funded reference book designed to improve the educational experience of children and young people by helping education practitioners place inclusion at the core of their practice.
Head of Whole School SEND, Amanda Wright says: “The Teacher Handbook: SEND has already proved itself to be an invaluable resource for the thousands of practitioners who use it. The information is presented in a way that makes it easy to navigate straight to specific themes and learn about practical solutions and strategies that will enhance provision and improve the learning experience for all children and young people.”
Katherine Walsh, Regional Whole School SEND Leader, and one of the lead authors of the Handbook says: “We are pleased to be adding secondary humanities guidance to the Teacher Handbook: SEND. Over the past eighteen months, school leaders have told us about the impact the guidance in the handbook has had on teaching and learning in their schools. The new guidance, written by practicing subject specialists, will support subject leaders and teachers in successfully adapting and scaffolding the humanities curriculums for children and young people with SEND.”