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Early Career Teachers (ECF & Appropriate Body)

Appropriate Body Service

A top quality, paperless system, priced competitively at £185 p/a

As you know, all qualified teachers who are employed in a relevant school in England must, by law, have completed an induction period satisfactorily, subject to specified exemptions. Appropriate Bodies play a key part in induction but, did you know, all schools, irrespective of phase, type or local authority, are free to choose their own Appropriate Body service, which are primarily delivered by Teaching School Hubs, such as us: SFETsuccess for every teacher!

Reminder of changes to AB sector in September 2024

  1. From September 2024 local authorities (LAs) will cease operating as ABs, with Teaching School Hubs (TSHs) becoming the main provider of AB services.
  2. Schools who access AB services through a LA will need to ensure that all ECTs are registered with an alternative AB by 1 September 2024, including ECTs who are currently registered with an LA AB but will not complete their induction before 1 September 2024.
  3. Schools are advised to make registration arrangements with their new AB at the earliest opportunity to ensure all ECTs have an AB in place in time for 1 September 2024.

You can read the DfE updated AB reform briefing pack for schools below

Let SFET Teaching School Hub Appropriate Body support you!

We currently support over 850 ECTs in both primary and secondary schools as an Appropriate Body across Hampshire and Surrey, with more schools joining every year due to our workload friendly programme, focused on efficient use of time for greatest impact on the ECT’s progress and attainment. Our primary and secondary programmes run separately to ensure phase specific training, with each phase supported by delivery partners across both Hampshire and Surrey. 

What changed in September 2021?

There were several key changes for schools to consider in regard to induction:

  • The term early career teacher (ECT) replaced newly qualified teacher (NQT)
  • The standard length of induction increased from one school year to two school years (full time equivalent)
  • In addition to the 10% timetable reduction that early career teachers receive in their first year of induction they also receive a 5% timetable reduction in the second year (funded by DfE)
  • Schools are expected to deliver an induction period that is underpinned by the Early Career Framework (ECF). Appropriate Bodies will have a role in checking that an ECF-based induction is in place. There are three approaches schools can choose from to enable the delivery of an ECF based induction. It is up to the headteacher to choose the approach that best suits the needs of their ECTs and mentors, but we can deliver this for you too
  • The mentor has a key role in supporting the ECT during induction and is separate to the role of the induction tutor, who has main responsibility for assessment against the Teachers’ Standards
  • There are two formal assessment points against the Teachers' Standards (not the ECF), one midway through induction (end of Year 1), and one at the end of the induction period (end of Year 2). These are supported by regular progress reviews to monitor progress, to take place in each term where a formal assessment is not scheduled
  • The number of ad-hoc absences permitted was extended, in line with the extended length of induction

You can find downloadable FAQ sheets and links to government guidance here.

Visit our Early Career Framework page to learn more.

Appropriate Body Service for Hampshire and Surrey


Key Points

  • All qualified teachers who are employed in a relevant school in England must, by law, have completed an induction period satisfactorily, subject to specified exemptions.
  • Statutory induction is not a legal requirement to teach in FE or the independent sector, academies, free schools and BSOs, but may be served in these settings.
  • Early Career Framework (ECF) based training is expected to be embedded as a central aspect of induction; it is not an additional training programme.
  • An appropriate body has the main quality assurance role within the induction process.
  • The appropriate body is responsible for checking that headteachers/principals have put in place an induction programme for the ECT and ensuring that this programme of support is clearly based on the ECF.
  • Monitoring and support throughout induction should be sufficient so that an ECT’s progress against the Teachers’ Standards is not unexpected when an ECT reaches a formal assessment point.

An overview 'at a glance' guide to our Appropriate Body service for schools across Hampshire and Surrey

You can download our at a glance 'Appropriate Body overview' at the bottom of this page. It is important to remember that within the national reforms the training content underpinning this assessment and support service is delivered through the Early Career Framework. Find out more here.

Fidelity Checks

From September 2021, Appropriate Bodies will be expected to check that all ECTs have access to an induction programme based on the Early Career Framework (ECF).

For schools opting for our fully funded induction programme there are no checks required.

For schools opting to run the ECF themselves through a core or school-led induction programme a check is required. This check is referred to here as ‘ECF fidelity’ checking.

The level of ECF fidelity checking expected of appropriate bodies will vary depending on the type of ECF-based induction being delivered. Schools must ensure that their induction complies with the expectation to offer full coverage of the ECF.

No charge


£400 one-off charge per school

What is involved?

Headteacher to complete a CIP Fidelity Check Form outlining how the school will deliver the ECT and mentor training sessions (termly breakdown of training sessions/sequence with reference to the lead provider’s core induction materials) and outlining how the self-directed study will be delivered and monitored.

Pre-Induction check 1 – check the school has designed an induction for the ECT with fidelity to the ECF

Review point 2- check school implementation of plans prior to the end of year one

Review point 3 - check school actual delivery of planned induction prior to final assessment

£400 per school – one off charge to include an initial curriculum check and two 0.5 day ‘on programme’ checks

£1,100 one-off charge per school

What is involved?

Headteacher to complete a SIP Fidelity Check Form(available to download at the bottom of this page). Must provide a clear breakdown of how the ECT(s) will receive training and mentoring to support every ECF ‘Learn that’ and ‘learn how to’ statement in sufficient depth and breadth, and with robust evidence-based rationales for how the framework has been translated into an ECF-based tra­­­­ining programme. Set out a two-year curriculum/sequence and schedule.

Pre-Induction check 1 – check the school has designed an induction for the ECT with fidelity to the ECF (greater scrutiny)

Review point 2 - check school implementation of plans prior to the end of year one

Review point 3 - check school actual delivery of planned induction prior to final assessment

£1,100 per school – one off charge to include two days curriculum/sequence/evidence check and two 0.5 day ‘on programme’ checks

Please click here or scroll down to the bottom of this page to download this one-page summary for schools:


Where schools opt for the Full Induction Programme, which includes materials and funded training, the Appropriate Body does not need to carry out ECF fidelity checks. This is because the providers of Full Induction Programmes will already be subject to separate quality assurance through Ofsted and contract management to ensure their training provides fidelity to the ECF.

Where schools deliver induction through a Core Induction Programme (CIP) or choose to design their own school-based induction programme (SIP) using the Early Career Framework, additional quality assurance will be necessary in order to safeguard ECT entitlement to an ECF-based induction. Schools delivering their own induction programmes will require an Appropriate Body to check these have been designed and delivered with fidelity to the ECF. This means that training and support provided to the ECT has covered the ECF evidence statements in sufficient breadth and depth. 

Frequently asked questions

What arrangements are made for part-time ECTs?

Our Appropriate Body has the ability to reduce the induction period for ECTs who are completing induction on a part-time basis. We should only consider granting a reduction and bringing forward the final assessment point either in advance of induction starting or once the ECT has completed a period covering but not equivalent to two school years.

It is for the school and Appropriate Body to decide in each individual case the length of the induction period required which is fair and takes full account of the ECT’s working pattern. In making this decision, our team will consult the headteacher and must always gain the agreement of the teacher concerned.

Can the two-year induction period be reduced?

It takes time to develop the skills needed for a successful career in teaching which is why all ECTs are entitled to a two-year induction programme. 

As set out in the Induction statutory guidance, in exceptional individual cases, a headteacher or ECT might request a reduced induction period on the basis that the ECT meets the Teachers’ Standards. This will need to be evidenced, and SFET will consider whether the ECT has significant experience teaching whole classes to the relevant standards. This could include teachers who have taught in the independent sector or who have gained QTS via the assessment-only route (for part-time ECTs please see section above).

The minimum period that can be counted towards completion of the induction period (for both full-time and part-time ECTs) is continuous employment equivalent to one term (based on an institution that operates three terms in a school year). This applies to both permanent and long-term supply teaching posts. It also reflects the need for each ECT to work in a stable environment and receive a supported and pre-planned induction programme. In addition, it is important that the ECT is in post long enough to be able to receive sufficient monitoring and feedback and prepare for a fair and reasonable assessment of their performance. It would be very difficult to do this against all of the Teachers’ Standards over a period of less than one term

SFET can therefore reduce the length of the induction period to a minimum of one term (at our discretion). In making this decision, we will consult the headteacher (as to whether the ECT is meeting the Teachers’ Standards) and must always gain the agreement of the ECT.

Reductions to the length of induction are only be granted in exceptional circumstances and are likely only to be appropriate for ECTs who have significant experience of teaching whole classes. Our Appropriate Body will carefully consider what evidence is appropriate for demonstrating significant teaching experience. This should include:

  • referrals from previous employers confirming the type and length of teaching experience
  • performance management records or other documentation from previous employers
  • a written submission from the headteacher or ECT addressing how previous teaching experience was significant and how it met the Teachers’ Standards
  • Appendix C evidence form (to be completed by the ECT)
  • Observation carried out by Appropriate Body

Any reduction to the induction period should only be made on the basis that the ECT has met the relevant standards and we will be particularly mindful of any ECT being denied their entitlement to a two-year induction unnecessarily. If a teacher wishes to serve the full induction period they must be permitted to do so. Reductions to induction should never be used because the school does not have the resource to offer a full-length induction.

If SF SCITT awarded QTS can we still use SFET Appropriate Body services?


As the SFET Teaching School Hub is part of our MAT this is permitted (unless employed by South Farnham School).

Is the Early Career Framework used for assessment of induction?


The Early Career Framework is not an assessment framework and should not be used for assessment by an Appropriate Body.

Assessment remains against the Teachers' Standards.

What happens if an extension is required?

If our Appropriate Body decides that an ECT’s performance has not satisfactorily met the relevant standards then SFET must decide either to fail or extend the ECT’s induction.

An Appropriate Body can expect the ECT’s final formal assessment to detail which of the relevant standards the ECT’s performance is considered to have been met or not met, and what evidence supports the headteacher’s recommendation. Each of the Teachers’ Standards has underlying bullet points which may help frame the assessment for the school, as well as prevent evidence that is too detailed or not relevant to the standards.

SFET will help ensure that evidence gathering for assessment is not too burdensome for the ECT and school. Nevertheless, SFET might find it difficult to make an informed decision where a school has not provided sufficient detail or sufficient evidence, or where we have not been assured that the school has a fair and appropriate approach to assessment. In such cases we may request to see additional detail or evidence that supports the headteacher’s recommendation.

All decisions must take into account the headteacher’s recommendation and any written representations from the ECT. Each case must be decided on its own merits, but situations where extending an induction is reasonable could include:

  • the ECT’s induction period has been disrupted due to personal crises, illness, or disability
  • the ECT has not received the necessary support during induction
  • there is insufficient evidence for an informed decision to be made about whether the ECT’s performance against the Teachers’ Standards is satisfactory

Failure to successfully complete an induction period will prevent the ECT being employed as a teacher in any school where statutory induction is mandatory and nor are they able to repeat induction. The employing school and SFET must bear these facts in mind before making a decision not to extend the induction and instead to fail the induction.

Except in cases of significant absence which lead to an induction being extended automatically (where absences total 30 days within one year), there is no prescribed length for extensions. SFET can consider what length of extension is reasonable in order for the ECT to meet the relevant standards, again by taking into account all the available evidence, including the headteacher’s recommendation and any written representations from the ECT (these last two must be taken into account). A single term may be considered a sufficient extension for early career teachers who are deemed very close to satisfying the Teachers’ Standards.

There is no prescribed length of extension - this will be agreed by SFET. If the ECT moves employment then a minimum of one term will apply.

SFET will be required to check that ECTs serving an extended induction continue to receive the relevant timetable reduction.

What happens if an ECT fails induction?

An ECT has only one chance to complete statutory induction.

An ECT who has completed induction, and is judged to have failed to meet the Teachers’ Standards at the end of their induction period, is not permitted to repeat induction. 

If SFET Appropriate Body decides that the ECT has failed to complete their induction period satisfactorily, they will inform the ECT of their right to appeal against this decision, with the name and address of the Appeals Body (the Teaching Regulation Agency), and the deadline for submitting an appeal. The ECT must notify the Teaching Regulation Agency that they wish to appeal the decision within 20 working days, after which the right of appeal expires except in exceptional circumstances.

An ECT working in a relevant school who has failed induction must be dismissed within ten working days of them giving notice that they do not intend to exercise their right to appeal, or from when the time limit for making an appeal expires without an appeal being brought. If the ECT’s appeal is heard, and they have been judged as having failed induction, the employer should dismiss the ECT within ten working days of being told of the outcome of the hearing.

While such an ECT does not lose their QTS, they cannot be employed lawfully as a teacher in a relevant school, including any post where they would carry out specified work. Their name is included on the list of persons, held by the Teaching Regulation Agency, who have failed to satisfactorily complete an induction period.

Are there institutions where induction cannot be served?

Workplaces which cannot offer statutory induction are:

  • a secure training centre
  • a secure children’s home
  • a school requiring special measures (i.e. one which is eligible for intervention under section 62 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006), except in cases where Ofsted have judged a school, or part of a school, to be suitable to host induction
  • an FE institution where, following an Ofsted inspection, it is reported that the overall effectiveness of the institution, or part of its education or training, has been judged to be inadequate (category 4) except in cases where Ofsted has judged the institution or part of the institution to be suitable to host induction

Relevant schools and academies can continue to host induction where a teacher was employed on an employment-based initial teacher training scheme in the school prior to gaining QTS, or had already started an induction period in the setting, before it entered special measures. SFET should be satisfied that such circumstances will not unfairly compromise the ECT’s ability to complete induction successfully.

What arrangements do post-16 institutions need to make?

An FE institution, sixth-form college or 16–19 academy wishing to offer an ECT a post in which to serve a statutory induction period is expected to:

  • ensure that normally no more than 10% of the ECT’s teaching in the FE institution is devoted to teaching classes predominantly consisting of pupils aged 19 and over.
  • enable the ECT to develop a sound knowledge and understanding of day-today practices and the role of a teacher in a school; ECTs should spend the equivalent of at least ten days teaching children of compulsory school age in a school during their induction.
  • make every effort to provide the ECT with up to a further 15 days’ experience in a school setting.

What are the 'reduced timetable' requirements?

The headteacher/principal must ensure that the ECT has a reduced timetable.

In the first year (terms 1-3) of induction an ECT must not teach more than 90% of the timetable of the school’s existing teachers on the main pay range and in the second year (terms 4-6) of induction must not teach more than 95%.

This time off timetable should be used to specifically enable ECTs to undertake activities in their induction programme.

This is in addition to the timetable reduction in respect of planning, preparation and assessment time (PPA) that all teachers receive.

ECTs in independent schools, academies and free schools, BSOs, independent nursery schools and FE colleges must also have a reduced timetable on a comparable basis.

What happens if an ECT leaves a post during induction?

When an ECT leaves a post after completing one term or more in an institution but before the next formal assessment would take place, the induction tutor or headteacher is expected to complete an interim assessment. This is expected to take place before the ECT leaves their post to ensure that the ECT’s progress and performance since the last assessment are captured. This is especially important where concerns about progress may have arisen. The information recorded on the interim assessment report will help to ensure that induction can be continued effectively in any subsequent post. This is also required if the ECT leaves during their final term of induction.

What happens if my school employs an ECT mid-year?

The Department for Education has instructed all ECF Providers to run mid-year Cohorts of the Early Career Framework Programme.  

The key principles of any ECF programme (no matter when it starts) are guided by the DfE's Statutory Guidance for Induction for ECTs (linked here):

  • The ECF is a two-year entitlement so every provider must offer it over this time period.
  • The programme will be delivered over 2 years. For example, ECTs starting their programme in January 2022 would finish it in Dec 2024. ECTs starting their programme in April 2022 would finish it in March 2024 etc...