Maths Hubs
Leading improvement in maths education across England
What is a Maths Hub?
The Maths Hubs Programme, coordinated by the NCETM, brings together mathematics education professionals in a collaborative national network of 40 hubs, each locally led by an outstanding school or college, to develop and spread excellent practice, for the benefit of all pupils and students. Each Maths Hub is made up of a partnership of schools, colleges and other organisations working together to provide support for maths teaching in a particular region of England.
A hub’s work takes many forms and includes face-to-face CPD and online support. Every hub runs several projects each year which enable teachers and teaching assistants to work collaboratively with the support of local leaders of maths education (LLMEs).
As we hear of events and opportunities we will post them at the bottom of this page. For the most up-to-date news and events please visit your local Maths Hub's website by following the links below.
Our regional Maths Hubs are:
What opportunities does a Maths Hub provide?
All hubs encourage schools in the areas they serve to get in touch to find out more about the CPD and other activities they offer. Each year, there are projects that are available nationwide through Work Groups in every hub. Some Work Groups are unique to particular hubs.
Hubs also run conferences, exchanges, network meetings and other opportunities for professional collaboration.
How to contact your local Maths Hub
You can contact each of the regional Maths Hubs by following the links below (click on the logo):
The North-East Hants and Surrey Maths Hub
North-East Hants and Surrey Maths Hub is led by St John the Baptist School, Woking and runs a large programme of work groups and events throughout the year with the aim of improving Maths teaching, leadership and professional learning practice to transform Maths education.
Watch a short film about the work of this Maths Hub here. To find out more about the North-East Hants and Surrey Maths Hub and the support and training available, please click here.
The North-East Hants and Surrey Maths Hub covers the following areas:
- Basingstoke and Deane
- Elmbridge
- Epsom and Ewell
- Guildford
- Hart
- Mole Valley
- Reigate and Banstead
- Runnymead
- Rushmoor
- Spelthorne
- Surrey Heath
- Tandridge
- Waverley
- Woking
Free course for Secondary ECTs: Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics
This FREE programme is designed to support secondary Early Career Teachers (teachers in their first two years of teaching) in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, thus enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in maths in the classroom.
Sessions will take place on Wednesdays 2pm - 5pm at St John the Baptist School in Woking.
- 29 November 2023
- 13 December 2023
- 10 January 2024
- 27 March 2024
- 08 May 2024
Please ensure that you can attend all session dates before signing up to this Work Group.
Places are expected to go quickly so sign up now to avoid disappointment.
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths for Secondary Teaching Assistants
A fantastic opportunity for Secondary Teaching Assistants who are supporting students in Maths, to build their subject knowledge and confidence. This Work Group will look at content, resources and methods to support the students and will culminate in looking at how the information learnt could be effectively shared with other TAs in the participants’ schools.
All sessions take place on Wednesdays at St John the Baptist School, Elmbridge Lane, Woking GU22 9AL.
- Session 1: 8 November 12.30 -4pm
- Session 2: 17 January 12 – 3pm
- Session 3: 20 March 12.30 – 3.30pm
- Session 4: 15 May 12.30 – 4pm
- Session 5: 19 June 12 – 3pm
Due to anticipated popularity, registration is limited to a maximum of 2 Secondary Teaching Assistants per school who will need to attend all sessions and complete inter-sessional tasks and activities.
Exploring Digital Technology for Mastery Work Group
How does the use of digital technology lead to greater pupil conceptual understanding?
How can digital technology provide additional mathematical modelling and representation opportunities in your classroom/school? Join this Maths Hub Research & Innovation Work Group to explore how free software can be used to help create a dynamic learning environment with opportunities for all your children whether you have a class set of iPads/laptop computers or only one.
Who can participate?
This Work Group is ideal for any teachers of Maths in Primary, Secondary or Post-16 settings who are interested in developing their use of technology in the classroom.
When and where?
This Work Group takes place over 3 sessions, all 9.30 – 3pm:
- 23 January
- 18 March
- Plus 1 further session to be agreed to suit participants
At St John the Baptist School, Elmbridge Lane, Woking, GU22 9AL
In addition to the Work Group sessions, participants are expected to explore and trial activities back in their own settings and share findings with this Research & Innovation Work Group.
All registrants will be required to join an NEHS Maths Hub Basecamp online community for this Work Group in order to access resources and information. Please ensure you tick the box to confirm this when you register.
NEHS Maths Hub Events and Programmes 23/24
Take a look at the NEHS Maths Hub offer and register for live programmes or express interest in future programmes.
Discover fully funded subject-specific opportunities to support professional learning for teachers and development for departments and schools.
The Solent Maths Hub
The Solent Maths Hub aims to provide all schools across the region with the opportunity to implement and engage with a Teaching for Mastery approach within their school. They are focussed on the use of research, building learning organisations and creating a passion for mathematics in teachers and children.
The Solent Maths Hub is one of 40 Maths Hubs in England, working together within the Maths Hubs Programme, which began in 2014. Maths Hubs harness all maths leadership and expertise within an area to develop and spread excellent practice.
The hub would like to work with all the schools in their region and would be delighted if you would like to become involved.
HISP are excited to announce that the Solent Maths Hub has now moved to its new home at HISP Multi-Academy Trust. As one of the 40 Maths Hubs in England, HISP very much look forward to continuing their journey of working with schools and colleges across the region to develop and spread excellent practice, for the benefit of all pupils and students.
The Solent Maths Hub covers the following areas:
- East Hampshire
- Eastleigh
- Fareham
- Gosport
- Havant
- New Forest
- Test Valley and Winchester
- Isle of Wight
- Portsmouth
- Southampton
Teaching for Mastery Work Groups 2023-2024
Solent Maths Hub has started recruitment for our Teaching for Mastery Work Groups 2023-2024. If you are a primary or secondary school looking to develop a Teaching for Mastery approach, look no further! We offer FREE, high-quality professional development, with many packages providing funding towards supply costs. Our aim is to support and empower schools to develop the quality of maths teaching and learning through collaboration with colleagues in the region and as we enter our tenth year of offering this support, we are proud of the impact we are having in schools:
'Taking part in the Development Work Group has been incredibly powerful not only for our Teaching for Mastery leads but for our entire teaching and support team. Our TfM leads have implemented a range of approaches across the school and the support we have received from our Primary Mastery Specialist has allowed us to adapt the approaches to suit our school and pupils. The impact this work is having on the children's learning is clear; children are grasping concepts more quickly and retaining this learning. As a result, our teaching team have a renewed enthusiasm for maths.' Vanessa Chandler, Deputy Headteacher, Ludlow Junior School
For more information and to apply, please contact:
- Primary - Louise Phillips -
- Secondary - Carla Laney -
An overview of the many programmes running this year are summarised below and can be found here: What Maths Hubs are doing | NCETM.
To find out more about the Solent Maths Hub and the support and training available, please click here.
You can also email if you have any specific questions.
You can follow the Hub on twitter @mathshubsolent to keep up to date regarding specific resources from the NCETM and programmes running this year.
Click here for a printable version of the following:
Solent Maths Hub Work Groups 2022 (Primary and Secondary)
Solent Maths Hub is currently recruiting for the following FREE professional development programmes. Please visit their website for more information: Solent Maths Hub - Home
Early Years and Primary Work Groups
- Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths - Early Years
- Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths - Primary/Teaching Assistants/Early Career Teachers
- Year 5-8 Continuity
Secondary Work Groups
- Secondary Subject Leadership Work Group
- Mathematical Thinking
- Year 5-8 Continuity
- Year 7-11 Coherence Work Group
- Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths (SKTM) - Secondary Non- Specialist Teachers.
- Supporting SEND Pupils in Inclusive Classrooms
Previously advertised professional development events and work groups:
Spring 2022 Programme:
Overcoming barriers in Mathematics in KS2 and KS3: Starts 23 February 2022
Can knowledge of SEND, and implementation of this knowledge, reduce the levels of maths anxiety within the classroom?
Work group commences 23 February
Overcoming barriers in Mathematics in KS2 and KS3: Starts 23 February 2022
Can knowledge of SEND, and implementation of this knowledge, reduce the levels of maths anxiety within the classroom?
Work group commences 23 February
Supporting Secondary Teaching Assistants in Maths: Starts 2 March 2022
A fantastic opportunity for Secondary TA's who are supporting students in maths, to build their subject knowledge and confidence.
Secondary Non Specialist Teacher: Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics programme Starts 31 Jan 2022
Are you a non-specialist teacher currently teaching Maths or hoping to next year.
A fully online programme to develop your specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics.
Year 7-11 Coherence Work Group: Starts 1 February 2022
A Work Group to bring teachers together to analyse, deconstruct and trace the key topic of Ratio & Proportion, through the curriculum,
Mathematical Thinking for GCSE: Starts 22 February 2022
A programme for Secondary Maths teachers and their departments aimed at developing students' mathematical thinking by the end of KS4.
Improving Parental Engagement in Maths in KS2 and KS3: Starts 15 March 2022
This project focuses on improving parental engagement in mathematics both in primary and secondary schools, with a key focus of further improving parental engagement in Year 6 with the prospect of maintaining this during student transition and into Year 7.
FREE Primary Oracy Work Group: How can oracy deepen students' mathematical reasoning?
This Work Group is designed to support children to learn ‘through talk and to talk’. It is designed to deepen students’ understanding of maths by using strategies for oracy to develop students' reasoning skills.
This Work Group will include key elements such as creating and using sentence starters, sentence stems and generalising sentences. Participants are expected to consider ways to develop the approaches explored during the project with other staff in their schools.
This involves a four online twilights and one face to face session as well as classroom and school-based activity.
Sessions 1-4 online: 13 January 2022, 24 February, 17 March and 5 May 2022 - 3.45pm – 5.15 pm
Session 5 face to face: 16th June 2022 9am - 11.45am at St Joseph's Primary School, Rosebank, West Street, Epsom KT18 7RT
2 x Key Stage 2 teachers are required per school. Please ensure you will be able to attend all sessions before signing up to this Work Group.
Last few places left so sign up here now to avoid disappointment!
FREE Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics Work Group for Teaching Assistants
FREE Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics: Work Group for EYFS Teachers
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics Work Group for EYFS Teachers
A fantastic FREE Work Group looking at developing Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics in an Early Years setting.
This Work Group is ideal for teachers who are new or with limited EY Maths experience and training and explores key concepts in early mathematical development and effective pedagogies that support mathematics learning.
Led by Dr Sue Gifford, our expert in Early Years Maths who sits on various advisory panels including DfE, OFSTED, NCETM, Nrich and. EEF.
This Work Group will comprise 5 sessions with activities to trial in the classroom between each session and share findings with the Work Group.
Choice of 2 Groups
Group 1 at St John The Baptist School, Elmbridge Lane, Woking, Surrey, GU22 9AL
1.30 - 4.30pm: 19 January, 2 March, 27 April, 25 May and 15 June
Group 2 at Overton CofE Primary School, Court Drove, Overton, Basingstoke RG25 3ES
1.30 pm - 4.30pm 20 January, 3 March, 28 April, 26 May and 16 June
Places are expected to go quickly so sign up here now to avoid disappointment!
NEHS Maths Hub Primary Online Network Meeting
NEHS Maths Hub Autumn 2021 Programme
NCP 21-28 Primary Early Career Teacher Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics
A brand new Work Group will commence in the autumn term, based in Woking, to provide high quality Maths support for ECTs, recognising the requirements of the ECF and the impact of COVID on their ITT experience. To find more info and to register your interest please see below.
NCP 21-30 Secondary Non-Specialist, Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics
The Maths Hub are now providing a programme for Secondary non-specialist teachers to support development of specialist knowledge for teaching maths to enable them to understand, teach and support pupils in the maths classroom. There will be two programmes running this Academic year, the first starting in Yateley this Autumn. Dates and times are tbc but find more info and to register your interest here and the team will be in touch.
Supporting pupils in reception, year 1 & 2 to develop good number sense - new work group
Supporting pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to develop good number sense
Calling teachers of Reception, Year 1 and 2 – the NCETM have launched a brand new work group for 21/22, “Mastering Number”.
Over the year long programme, teachers will receive training and resources for a daily short ‘number sense’ addition to their scheduled maths teaching. Considering all the disruption to children’s learning, this is a fantastic opportunity to ensure that the fundamentals are secure and ready to be built upon as they progress their Maths.
Follow the link below for full details, application process and information including video from Debbie Morgan.
Applications close on 11 June and places are limited (and going fast) so don't delay!
NB. If you are expecting staff changes to be confirmed later in the term, please apply with the details of your current teachers. We can update details when you have them finalised. Please don't delay your application!
FREE Primary Online Network Meeting for Maths Subject Leads
About this event
Our next Primary Network Meeting will be especially for Subject Leaders of Maths and will take place on Monday 22 November at 4pm.
The session will include an input from Gill Knight (Independent Consultant and Mastery Specialist) focusing on support for Maths Leads and discussion groups in the following areas:
- Developing fluency
- Closing the gap
- Developing mathematical vocabulary
- Challenge for all
- Developing reasoning and problem solving
- Supporting girls in maths
You will be able to choose the areas of interest you would like to discuss. Please come prepared to talk about what you have tried in school and ideas for the above!
Once registered, we will be in touch via Eventbrite email on the Friday before as well as at 2pm on the day with details of how to access the online meeting via Zoom. The meeting starts at 4.00pm and we anticipate it will last around one hour.
Click here to register.
Year 5 to 8 Continuity Work Group - January to June 2022
Primary & Secondary schools develop curriculum understanding & approaches to planning to achieve best progress from KS2 to KS3
About this event
FREE Work Group aimed at Primary and Secondary schools where teachers from each phase (Yr 5 - Yr 8) work together.
The aim of this Work Group is to strengthen the transition from primary to secondary school by focusing on curriculum and pedagogical continuity over Years 5 to 8. Following the disruption to the education caused by the Covid crisis, the transition is more crucial than ever. Central to the Work Group is:
- Promotion of cross phase communication between teachers, addressing issues of maths knowledge and learning transition as distinct from pastoral considerations.
- A key feature will be understanding how best to prioritise key aspects of the curriculum to help ensure pupils have mastered the fundamental understanding and skills they need to underpin their progression through upper Key Stage 2 and into Key Stage 3.
- We will be focusing on a strand that moves across the two Key Stages, e.g. Algebra, Multiplicative Reasoning.
There are two work groups to choose from
Group 1 at Kenyngton Manor Primary School, Sunbury
3 x Online Sessions 3.45-5.15pm: 12 January, 23 March and 22 June 2022
2 x face to face days in Sunbury: 9am - 3pm on 9 February and 18 May 2022
Group 2 at St Joseph's Primary School, Redhill
3 x Online Sessions 3.00 - 4.30pm: 12 January, 9 March and 16 June 2022
2 x face to face days in Redhill: 9am -3pm on 25 January and 22 April 2022.
Ideally, Primary and Secondary schools will attend as linked pairs or families together so if possible, please liaise with your linked (feeder) Primary or Secondary school(s). Please do include the linked school's name(s) in your registration so we can match you up.
You are also welcome to join this group as a single / non-linked Primary or Secondary school for continuity of pedagogy, resources and representations across KS2/3.
All registrants will be required to join an NCETM Basecamp online community for this Work Group in order to access resources and information. Please ensure you tick the box to confirm this when you register.
Register here
Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics Work Group for Primary Teachers
A work group to develop specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics for Primary Teachers.
About this event
This FREE programme is aimed at supporting primary teachers in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, thus enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in the maths classroom.
The Work Group is aimed at developing subject knowledge on five core primary modules:
Policy and impact on practice
Number sense
Additive reasoning
Multiplicative reasoning
Choice of 2 Groups
Group 1 at Talavera School, Aldershot
26 November 2021, 28 January, 18th March and 20th May 2022 : 9.30-3.00pm
Group 2 at St John The Baptist School, Woking
27 January, 10 March, 12 May and 9 June 2022 : 9.30-3.00pm
Please ensure that you can attend all session dates before signing up to this work group.
A maximum of 2 teachers from each participating school will be required to attend all sessions for this Work Group and complete in-school intersessional tasks.
All registrants will be required to join an NCETM Basecamp online community for this Work Group in order to access resources and information. Please ensure you tick the box to confirm this when you register.
As with all our Free or Funded Maths Hub Work Groups and programmes, we are funded by the Department for Education and therefore have to prioritise State Funded schools.
Primary Early Career Teacher Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics (Woking)
NCP 21-28 Primary Early Career Teacher Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics
This programme is designed to support Primary Early Career Teachers (Teachers in their first two years of teaching) in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, thus enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in maths in the classroom.
Work Groups will explore designing effective learning and teaching in maths through the following themes.
- Building early number concepts
- Additive reasoning
The Work Groups take place face to face at St John the Baptist School in Woking plus two online sessions via Zoom.
All sessions are on Wednesdays.
- 1 December '21 : 9.30 am - 12.00pm at SJB, Woking
- 2 February '22 : 2.00pm - 4.30pm at SJB, Woking
- 2 March '22 : 4.00pm - 5.15pm ONLINE
- 27 April '22 : 2.00pm - 4.30pm at SJB Woking
- 25 May '22 : 4.00pm - 5.15pm ONLINE
- 15 June '22 : 1.30pm - 4.30pm at SJB Woking
Please ensure that you can attend all session dates before signing up to this course. MAX 2 teachers per school.
Places are expected to go quickly so sign up now to avoid disappointment.
Please Note: It is now a DfE requirement to provide your TRN when registering for this work group - if you need to locate this, please go to :
Secondary Non-Specialist, Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics (Yateley, Hampshire and online)
FREE Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics - Secondary Non-Specialist Teachers
About this event
FREE 12 Sessions delivered On-line via Zoom platform and Face to Face at Yateley School, School Lane, Yateley, GU46 6NW.
This programme is designed to support non-specialist teachers teaching maths in a secondary school in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, thus enabling them to understand, teach and support students in maths in the classroom.
The programme is aligned to the NCETM teaching for mastery pedagogy and is based on six key themes:
- Structure of the number system
- Operating on number
- Multiplicative reasoning
- Sequences and graphs
- Statistics and probability
- Geometry
Participants will explore these themes, supported by an experienced secondary practitioner.
The 12 Sessions will be delivered On-line via the Zoom platform and some Face to Face sessions at Yateley School, School Lane, Yateley, GU46 6NW. Please see further details of days and times below:
- Tuesday 2 Nov : 9.00-15.00 at Yateley School
- Tuesday 9 Nov : 4–5.30pm Online
- Tuesday 16 Nov: 4-5.30pm at Yateley School
- Tuesday 30 Nov : 4-5.30pm Online
- Tuesday 7 Dec : 4-5.30pm at Yateley School
- Tuesday 11 Jan : 4-5.30pm Online
- Tuesday 25 Jan : 4-5.30pm at Yateley School
- Thursday 10 Feb : 9.00-15.00 at Yateley School
- Tuesday 1 Mar : 4-5.30pm at Yateley School
- Tuesday 15 Mar : 4-5.30pm Online
- Tuesday 29 March 4-5.30pm at Yateley School
- Friday 29 Apr 9.00-15.00 at Yateley School
Please ensure that you can attend all session dates before signing up to this course and that you are a non-specialist teacher of maths in state-funded school.
A non-specialist teacher of mathematics is 'a teacher that is currently teaching some mathematics who has not undertaken initial teacher training (ITT) in mathematics'.
All registrants will be required to join an NCETM Basecamp online community for this Work Group in order to access resources and information. Please ensure you tick the box to confirm this when you register.
NB. We will be running another Work Group in the Epsom area later on in the year.
As with all our Free or Funded Maths Hub Work Groups and programmes, we are funded by the Department for Education and therefore have to prioritise State Funded schools.
Yateley School
School Lane
GU46 6NW
North-East Hants And Surrey (NEHS) Maths Hub
Organiser of Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Maths - Secondary Non Specialist Teachers
North-East Hants and Surrey (NEHS) Maths Hub is led by St John the Baptist School, Woking and runs a large programme of Work Groups and events throughout the year with the aim of improving Maths teaching, leadership and professional learning practice to transform Maths education.
The Maths Hubs Network is the collaborative partnership of the 40 Maths Hubs across England, supported and facilitated by the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM). It is part of the wider development of school-led, system leadership of education in England.
For more information about North-East Hants and Surrey Maths Hub click here
To view our Privacy Policy click here
New to Teaching Core Maths (Secondary/Post-16) - a free webinar
The purpose of this programme is to support teachers who are new to teaching Core Maths in developing specialist knowledge for teaching Core Maths and to increase their confidence in teaching the course. The programme has a primary focus on Core Maths subject knowledge and pedagogy and will be based on these six key themes which are common to all the Core Maths specifications:
- Using contextualised problem-solving
- Applying Fermi estimation and modelling
- Developing critical analysis
- Making sense of finance
- Using the pre-release materials
- Exploring statistics
Technology and online teaching will be underlying themes throughout the programme.
This programme is for teachers who are new to teaching Core Maths for the first time and are teaching a Core Maths class during the Autumn and Spring terms of 2021 and 2022. For more information about this programme, please visit New to Teaching Core Maths on the NCETM website.
Expectations of participants and their schools: Attend six Work Group sessions. In between the sessions participants should expect to spend time on pre-tasks and gap tasks, for discussion at the meetings. Contribute to Work Group evaluation processes.
The wider context: Collectively, the network of Maths Hubs across England work on projects around key national maths education areas. In KS5/Level 3 mathematics, Maths Hubs work in close partnership with the AMSP to support schools and colleges in increasing participation, and improving teaching, in all areas of Level 3 maths, including Core Maths.
Each Maths Hub participating in a national project runs a local Work Group, where teachers come together over a period of time to work on areas defined by the project. All Work Groups are subject to a common evaluation process, which collectively provides a body of evidence on the project’s outcomes. So, your participation in this Work Group will contribute to your own professional learning, and that of your school colleagues, as well as making a contribution to the improvement of maths education at a national level.
Funding: The New to Teaching Core Maths project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme and the AMSP so is offered free of charge to participating schools/colleges.
Dates: The remaining dates for this Work Group will be agreed in conjunction with participants at the initial meeting.
Work Group Lead: Lesley Swarbrick
Venue: Online
Online webinar