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NFER: Evidence for Excellence in Education

NFER (click here) - Educational Research, the journal of the NFER, was established in 1958. Drawing upon projects in universities and research centres worldwide, it is a leading forum for informed thinking on issues of contemporary concern in education. The journal is of interest to academics, researchers and those people concerned with mediating research findings to policy-makers and practitioners. Educational Research has a broad scope and contains research studies, reviews of research, discussion pieces, short reports and book reviews in all areas of the education field.

NFER's long history, vast experience and pioneering methods have established their reputation as an authoritative, trusted and respected voice in education. Today that reputation is enhanced with an unmatched depth and breadth of specialist education knowledge, talent and methodological expertise.

They use their expertise to produce high-quality, independent, research and insights to inform key decisions makers about issues across the education system, including:

Their clients include government departments and agencies at international, national and local levels, third sector organisations, private and public companies, employers and other organisations with an interest in education. They all benefit from the full range of our expert and professional services.

As an independent, not-for-profit organisation NFER invest any surplus funds directly back into their programme of research to address key questions in education – delivering new knowledge to help build better futures - and in increasing our impact and support for policy makers and practitioners.