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Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

RSHE Hub - Free Resources for Schools


Relationships and Health Education became compulsory for all school age pupils from September 2020 with changes to be implemented by Summer 2021. We are a RSHE Hub and have supported over 800 teachers from 600+ schools to deliver this specialist area of the curriculum, dealing with complex and sensitive issues.

Please look at the left-hand menu to access a wealth of primary and secondary RSHE resources and free training.


How have you implemented the RSHE statutory changes for 2021 and are you feeling confident?

Do you need further guidance and resources to help you and your staff add depth to your programme?

Please look at the left-hand menu to access a wealth of primary and secondary RSHE resources and free training, including videos of training seminars.

Contact if you have any questions or for further support and advice 

How is the training structured?

South Farnham Teaching School has been selected by The Department for Education to work as a RSHE Hub and has delivered a central programme of support for over 800 teachers in 600+ schools in the South East throughout 2020 and 2021.

Primary and secondary training is delivered separately by school-based phase experts.

Training supports schools in auditing their provision and training their own staff with a package of presentation materials and resources to ensure that the school is ready to deliver the new RSHE curriculum.

Our programme uses DfE approved materials and is delivered by RSHE experts. It has been updated to ensure that schools consider the recent Ofsted review of sexual abuse and consider a whole-school approach to addressing issues and creating a culture where sexual harassment is not tolerated. 

Schools are required to put in place the key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, inclusion in all contexts, including online. This will sit alongside the essential understanding of how to be healthy. This is a specialist area of the curriculum, dealing with complex and sensitive issues and this training will help all teachers and leads of PSHE/RSHE to deliver the subjects with increased knowledge, confidence and resource.

Other RSHE resources and sources of support:

PSHE & Wellbeing Support for Surrey Schools

Surrey Healthy Schools presents an opportunity to actively promote physical, emotional and mental health and wellbeing. It is a commitment to encouraging personal, social and health development. Supporting the links between health, behaviour and achievement it takes an evidence based approach towards guiding the implementation and development of effective practice. Surrey Healthy Schools is not aimed merely at pupils’ health or school curriculum development but centres around the whole school environment and all aspects of school life.

  • Find additional information about Surrey Healthy Schools HERE
  • View the Surrey Healthy Schools Self-Evaluation Tool webinar HERE
  • Access the PSHE section of the webpages HERE
  • Find the latest PSHE & Wellbeing News HERE

For further PSHE or related information contact: Sarah Lyles - PSHE, Wellbeing & Surrey Healthy Schools Lead

PSHE & wellbeing support for Hampshire (including Isle of Wight) schools

Local Government in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight

Hampshire have produced materials/resources to support the planning and delivery of  primary RSHE (available for anyone to view on the HIAS moodle). For school support please contact the HIAS team

PSHE Association

We would  recommend visiting the PSHE Association website - the PSHE Association is the national membership body for PSHE teachers, and provides a range of resources, training and guidance to support the delivery of RSHE and broader PSHE education:’. 

Free downloadable resources available from other stakeholders that may be of interest to you or your schools:

  1. Principles of excellence in relationships education from the Family Stability Network.

To support RSHE teaching to pupils with SEND

You will find some very useful links and resources below (including some fantastic NASEN and PSHE Association work). Please also look at the resources available for download at the very bottom of this webpage.

NASEN have changed their membership model to provide free membership to all UK individuals to enable them to work across early years, schools, further education and wider settings to help ensure that all education practitioners are given the information and support required so that all children and young people can thrive. Further information regarding membership can be found here.

NASEN have provided access to a very useful webcast: Supporting Effective Delivery Of The New Statutory RSHE Curriculum For Pupils With SENDThis 90-minute webinar will support schools and professionals to effectively deliver the new statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) for pupils with SEND. 


Who is it for?
These webinars are ideal for PSHE leads, SENCOs, SLT and those with a responsibility for supporting the roll-out of the RSHE curriculum. Colleagues from both mainstream and special or alternative provision settings are welcome to attend, and each region will have a primary focused and a secondary focused webinar.

You will benefit from:

  • increased understanding of the new curriculum requirements for statutory Relationships (and Sex Education) and Health Education
  • greater confidence in making this learning accessible for pupils with SEND
  • resources to disseminate and support delivery with a focus on pupils with SEND
  • dedicated time for discussion with colleagues in your region

Who is running the training?
The Department for Education has funded NASEN and the PSHE Association to work in partnership to design and deliver this training.

Click here to find out more/access the webcast.

You will find some more useful links and resources below. Please also look at the resources available for download at the very bottom of this webpage.

  1. Lenny and Lily in Lockdown and Lenny and Lily Return to School are wordless books that promote mental wellbeing.
  2. The Sex Education Forum has developed advice and guidance and easy read principles to support delivery of RSHE for pupils with SEND
  3. The PSHE Association have updated their planning framework for pupils with SEND to cover the new statutory content, available on their SEND Hub. The DfE RSHE webinar and presentational materials are also available on this site.

The DfE contact details for all Teaching School RSHE support can be found here.