Subject Associations
Subject Associations
There are several subject associations that provide a variety of CPD, resources, research and support. The Council For Subject Associations (CfSA) have a website with links to these. Click here.
Another fabulous place to look for relevant associations and curriculum support is the NASBTT Curriculum Directory. This directory is intended as a ‘one stop’ starting point for providers (and their trainees) to explore subject/phase specific associations to support this aspect of provision. It is very much a starting point, far from exhaustive and will be updated periodically so please check the directory for the latest information.
National Centre for Excellence in the teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) - Click here. This is an outstanding website, full of resources and information regarding the latest research.
The aims of NCETM are to raise levels of achievement in maths, to increase appreciation of the power and wonder of maths, across the school, sixth form college and further education system. Their specific task is to try to ensure that all teachers of maths - and this includes all primary school teachers, and non-specialist maths teachers - have easy access to high quality, evidence-based, maths-specific continuing professional development (CPD) at every point of their careers.
The JMC comprises many participating and observing member bodies from across the UK. Their complementary expertise covers the teaching and learning of mathematics in schools, colleges and universities; the initial training and ongoing professional learning of teachers and lecturers; mathematics education research; educational policy and mathematical applications and interests more generally.
The JMC makes representations to government and other bodies both proactively and reactively. It works closely with the Royal Society’s Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education, overseas the British Congress of Mathematics Education and undertakes other targeted projects and activities, producing occasional reports and working papers.
The English Association is the subject association for English.
Whether you are a teacher, a student, a parent or a reader, there's something here for you. Browse through our various web areas below, or use the menu on the left to head towards what interests you most.
The UKLA have been working to improve literacy since 1963 and believe that excellent literacy education should be informed by a range of research. Whether you are a teacher, school, student or working in HE, become a UKLA member and join our supportive community of skilled professionals.
NAWE's mission is to advocate for Creative Writing: enhancing knowledge and understanding of the subject, supporting writers and good practice in teaching and facilitation in all settings.
The National Association for Teaching of English, established in 1963, is the professional association for English teachers that works regionally, nationally and internationally at all key stages. NATE is an educational charity, governed by a board of Trustees, led by a Director and supported by a team of volunteers, including, working group members, regional representatives and English specialists across the world who support NATE’s CPD, publications, research and development.
The Association for Science Education (ASE) is an active membership body that has been supporting all those involved in science education from pre-school to higher education for over 100 years; members include teachers, technicians, tutors and advisers. We are a Registered Charity with a Royal Charter, owned by our members and independent of government. We seek to create a powerful voice for science education professionals in order to make a positive and influential difference to the teaching and learning of science throughout the UK and further afield.
Computing and Educational Technology
CAS’s mission is to lead and promote excellence in all those staff involved in Computing education in schools. Our aim is for computing – with Computer Science at its heart – to become firmly established in all Primary and Secondary schools alongside maths and the natural sciences. CAS speaks for the discipline of computing at school level – including Further Education – but not for any particular interest group.
Naace is a community of teachers, school leaders, advisors, consultants and commercial partners working across all areas of UK education who share a vision for the developing role of technology in education.
As a professional association, we represent the voice of the UK education technology community in the schooling sector at a national and international level. We support individuals and groups throughout the education landscape by providing resources for courses and research, and encouraging reflection and professional development.
The TPEA unique contribution to this field is in edtech research, initial teacher education and professional development. Our remit includes: the pedagogical application of digital technology by all teachers; developing the teaching of computing and digital capability; attention to the strands of information technology and digital/media literacy; and the effective use of digital technology in initial teacher education as well as continuing professional development (CPD) programmes and research.
Design and Technology
DaTA are a membership organisation providing advice, support and training for those involved in teaching design, engineering and technology. We work closely with government, awarding bodies, Ofsted and other regulators, advising on the curriculum and lobbying on behalf of the subject. We also work with employers and corporate partners to help promote the value of the subject and the range of careers and opportunities to which it can lead. We specialise in developing links between education and industry to mutual benefit.
Art, Craft and Design
NSEAD is unique. Established in 1888, NSEAD is the only trade union, learned society and professional body for art, craft & design educators across the UK.
Join our Subject Association (as an indivdual or an organisation) and be part of our thriving community of art educators. Or join our Trade Union, and your subscription includes all NSEAD Subject Association benefits.
Music and Performing Arts
The Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM) is the UK's professional body for musicians and a nationally recognised subject association for music.
Since 1882, we have been dedicated to promoting the importance of music and protecting the rights of those working in the music profession. We support almost 11,000 members across the UK and Ireland with our unrivalled legal advice and representation, comprehensive insurance and specialist services.
One Dance UK is the sector support organisation leading the way to a stronger, more vibrant and more diverse dance sector. We present one clear voice to support, advocate, enhance and give profile to dance in the UK. Our aim is to provide information, resources and opportunities for a workforce that is well-equipped to secure dance’s prominence in the cultural landscape of the future.
National Drama, the UK’s leading professional association for drama teachers and theatre educators, is dedicated to ensuring that all children and young people have the opportunity to learn about and through drama.
The Geographical Association (GA) is the leading subject association for teachers of geography. As a registered charity our mission is to ‘further geographical knowledge and understanding through education’. The Association is a lively community of practice with over a century of innovation behind it and an unrivalled understanding of geography teaching.
We are a registered charity incorporated by Royal Charter (charity no. 1120261). We support the teaching, learning and enjoyment of history at all levels and bring together people who share an interest in and love for the past.
We inspire, enable and encourage people to get involved with history, whether in the classroom, at college, in the library or at home. We passionately believe the study of history should be accessible to all people at all levels of study.
NATRE is the subject teacher association for RE professionals. It works to support those who teach and lead in all schools and institutions and at all stages of their career.
The PSHE Association is the national body for personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education. We are a charity and membership organisation that supports a network of over 50,000 practitioners with teaching resources, guidance, advice and training.
ACT is the subject association for Citizenship representing teachers and others involved in Citizenship education. We were founded in 2001 by Professor, Sir Bernard Crick and set up as a registered charity.
At the Classical Association, we support the study and teaching of the Greek and Roman world in all its inspiring forms – from its history, civilisations and languages to its interaction with other cultures, both ancient and modern. Sponsor of the UK’s largest annual classics conference, the CA works to put teachers, scholars, students and communities in dialogue and to promote access to the classical world in schools, universities and beyond.
Physical Education
The Association for Physical Education (afPE) is the representative Subject Association for PE in the UK.
Our purpose is to promote and maintain high standards and safe practice in all aspects and at all levels of physical education, school sport and physical activity influencing developments at national and local levels that will impact on pupils’ physical health and emotional well-being.
We provide quality assured services and resources, and valuable professional support for our members and the physical education, school sport and physical activity sector.