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Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

Teaching Assistant Development Programme

Targeted CPD for Teaching Assistants: Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools

Research and guidance from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has shown how Teaching Assistants can be deployed effectively (Sharples et al., 2015). The research shows that Teaching Assistants who are sufficiently trained and used correctly within the classroom can have a positive impact on pupil engagement and attainment.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training is essential for Teaching Assistants. It can help colleagues to identify and address potential issues and challenges which could arise with both pupils and staff. It also enables Teaching Assistants to gain up to date knowledge on national policies and guidance.

South Farnham School’s Teaching Assistant Development Programme provides participants with:

  • Increased understanding of how to support effective teaching and learning under everyday classroom conditions and when delivering structured interventions out of class.
  • Access to an interactive approach which helps participants to develop and reflect upon teaching and learning to enhance classroom performance.
  • Interactive online workshops and independent personalised modules to be completed by participants in between sessions supported by a range of digital research and resources.
  • Access to a course developed in partnership with the National Association Professional Teaching Assistants, drawing upon the guidance and recommendations from the EEF Making Best Use of Teaching Assistants research. 
  • A certificate to provide demonstrate that they have engaged with the course and completed all the sessions and assignments. 
£150 per participant.

Feedback from our participants:

"There was a wide range of courses, it was easy to follow and there were further resources to look at and all written by accredited authors."

"I felt the options of learning material was extensive."

"The content has been hugely relevant and provides information I can relate to within my work environment."

"The online training has been clear, concise and very easy to navigate. Plus, the personal introduction and the regular online meetings have been worthwhile."

"The online content is very simple to follow, well laid out. Course content was both rigid in terms of my requirements, but flexible to move into other areas."

Programme Dates for 2024 - 25


Date Sessions & Workshops Module Content Activity
Before 14th November 2024 Anspear Audit Preparing for the course Complete Anspear audit to receive personalised course recommendations. Bring Anspear personalised programme to Welcome Session.
Thursday 14th November 2024 Welcome Session (Session 1) Face to Face 4:00 - 5:00pm Teaching Assistant Development Programme


Introductions and course structure explained. 

Complete Section 1 of the workbook.

Guide to Anspear,

Assessment of the course.

Complete Section 2 of the workbook in preparation for Session 2.
Thursday 12th December 2024

Session 2 - Online Workshop (Compulsory)

4:00 - 5:00pm

Working with children - Child Protection

In this session we will discuss your observations from Section 2 of the workbook. 

We will also look at the following in preparation for the Child Protection course on Anspear: How to keep children safe, following correct procedures and knowing what to do when an incident occurs, how to provide a positive role model for children to ensure well-being, self-reliance and resilience; how to support children during transitions in life and how to maintain good relations with colleagues.
Complete Section 3 of the workbook and the ‘Child Protection’ course on Anspear 
  Self-Led Learning Personalised Unit of Study (1) 

Review your recommendations from the audit. Fill in section 4 of your work book. Reflect on the following things: 

  • Where do I see this in action in my school? 
  • What is my role in this area? 
  • How does learning about this make me a better practitioner? 
Complete Section 4 of the workbook and the corresponding course you have chosen to do for this module 

Thursday 30th January 2025

Session 3 – Online Workshop 



Online Safety & Prevent Duty 

Discuss and reflect on how to keep children safe during the digital age. How have things changed? What direction do we think it is going in? Reflections on your own practice, observing your school’s online safety procedures and thinking about the role we play in online safety as practitioners. 

Complete Section 5 of the workbook the ‘online safety’ course on Anspear. 


Self-led Learning 

Assessment for Learning  

During this module you will think about how assessment for learning is used within your setting and will reflect on your own practice. You will observe your class teacher and through discussion will identify opportunities for you to contribute to assessment for learning throughout your role. 

Complete Section 6 of the workbook and the ‘Assessment for Learning (TA) course on Anspear. 


Self-led Learning

Personalised Unit of Study (2)

Review your recommendations from the audit. Fill in section 7 of your workbook. Reflect on the following things:

  • Where do I see this in action in my school?
  • What is my role in this area?
  • How does learning about this make me a better practitioner?

Complete Section 7 of the workbook and the corresponding course you have chosen to do for this module

Thursday 6th March 2025

Session 4 – Online Workshop



Mental Health & Well-being

What does well-being look like in your school for pupils and staff? Where can you see this in practise? How can you measure the impact of procedures put in place to help staff and pupils? In this module you will reflect on your own experiences of well-being and the role you play within your school when it comes to looking after yours and other’s well-being.

Complete Section 8 of the workbook and then choose between either the ‘Stress and Wellbeing’ course (Adult Centred) or ‘Mental Health’ course (Child Centred)


Self-led Learning

Personalised Unit of Study (3)

Review your recommendations from the audit. Fill in section 9 of your workbook. Reflect on the following things:

  • Where do I see this in action in my school?
  • What is my role in this area?
  • How does learning about this make me a better practitioner?

Complete Section 9 of the workbook and the corresponding course you have chosen to do for this module

Thursday 1st May 2025

Session 5 – Online Workshop (Compulsory)



This week we will looking at preparing you for your observations. We will be thinking about the following things:

  • Why do we have observations?
  • Who benefits the most?
  • How can they make you a better practitioner?


After this session you will be expected to be observed either by your class teacher or a member of staff who you work closely with. The observation form can be found in Section 10 of your workbook. During this observation they will also have an opportunity to look through your workbook and they will make comments on this as part of the observation

Thursday 5th June 2025

Session 6 – Online Workshop (compulsory)


Reflections and Next Steps

During our final session we will reflect on the course and how you feel it has impacted you as a practitioner. We will celebrate our successes and think about what we can build on for next year.

We will discuss next steps in your career and explore all the options you have now you have completed the course.





Feedback from the headteacher of one of our participants:

"We have been encouraging all of our teaching assistants to attend this course and particularly those new to the role. Alongside school-based induction, this extended training opportunity provides an excellent foundation for staff to develop their knowledge and understanding of how to best support learning in the classroom.

The online delivery has encouraged TAs to sign up as it allows for flexibility in when they study. Back in school we have observed that participants have increased confidence and they are able to apply a broader range of strategies when working with different groups of children.

I would highly recommend this programme for any teaching assistants wishing to gain a better understanding of their role and how to develop their classroom practice."